
SHHH! It’s Time for Secret Santa

In partnership with the Washington County Commissioners, Washington-Morgan Community Action is once again providing the Secret Santa Program to the residents of Washington County. Secret Santa is a supplemental gift program that attempts to match low income families in need of Christmas gifts with generous residents and businesses throughout the county that are willing to share their Christmas spirit thorough donations and sponsorships.

The Secret
Santa Program
is underway
for 2004. It
is expected
that the program
will serve
1,000 children
in Washington
County. In
2003, 1,200
children received
Christmas gifts
through the

Community Action
is in need
of sponsors
and donors
for the 2004
program. The
Secret Santa
Program has
seen a steady
increase in
the number
of families
over the eight
years of its
Many families,
for a variety
of reasons,
are unable
to find the
extra money
for Christmas.
Through sponsorships
and donations,
the program
is able to
provide toys,
clothes and
food to underprivileged
families in

and community
members willing
to sponsor
a child or
family are
provided with
names, sex,
age and sizes
along with
a wish list
of three items.
Those who do
not wish to
sponsor a specific
child or family
can make cash
donations or
purchase toys.
The donations
enable the
staff to purchase
gifts for children
that are not

On Monday,
October 18,
2004, Washington-Morgan
Community Action
will begin
accepting applications
for the 2004
program. Staff
begins collecting
names and wish
lists early
to ensure that
the children
will have gifts
under the tree
on Christmas

County residents
in applying
for the Secret
Santa Program
can receive
an application
at the main
office of Washington-Morgan
Community Action
located at
218 Putnam
Street in Marietta,
Monday thorough
Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.

will be accepted
through November
19, 2004. Applicants
not currently
enrolled in
community action
programs must
provide proof
of income,
birth dates,
and Social
Security numbers
for each child
under the age
of 12 and parents
in the home.

If you would
like to sponsor
a child for
the 2004 Secret
Santa program
please call
Michelle McCutcheon
or Sherry Rhodes
at (740) 373-3745.
If you would
like to make
a cash donation
or would like
more information
about the Secret
Santa program
please call
Catherine Rees
(740) 373-3745.

Help make
Christmas special
for all!