
Senior Services

Senior Nutrition Program
The Senior Nutrition Program provides hot, nutritious meals to senior citizens. Program service settings include congregate and home delivered meals, depending upon the individuals need. While the main goal of the nutrition program is to feed seniors, the program provides elderly residents with much more than just meals, congregate meal sites give participating seniors the opportunity to socialize with others, while the Meals on Wheels program delivers meals to the frail, sick and homebound seniors. For many congregate and home delivered meal clients, the nutrition program not only provides a meal but also friends.

Senior Nutrition Program Ingredient Content Booklet

Congregate Meals
Congregate meal sites are open to anyone 60 years of age or older and his or her spouse, regardless of age. Anyone under 60 who volunteers a minimum of two hours during site hours is eligible.Anyone with disabilities that resides at home with and accompanies an older (60+) person is eligible.

Reservations should be made by calling a site the day before one wishes to have lunch. Meals are served at noon at all the sites.

Congregate meal sites are located throughout Washington and Morgan Counties.

Meals on Wheels
Home delivered meals are available for anyone 60 years or older who is homebound by reason of illness, incapacitating disability or is otherwise isolated. One must be physically unable to obtain food or prepare meals and there can be no adult living at the same residence that is willing to prepare meals. An individual who resides at home with an individual who is determined eligible may also receive a home delivered meal.

Meals are delivered throughout most of Washington and Morgan Counties.

For more information on the Meals on Wheels program for Washington or Morgan County, call the main office at (740) 373-3745.

Senior Homemaker Program
The Senior Homemaker program provides in-home services to senior citizens in Washington County. Services are available to eligible clients who are at-risk of premature placement in a nursing home due to a medical, emotional or psychological impairment. Clients of the Homemaker program must be 60 years of age or older and homebound.

The homemaker will spend about an hour and a half each week performing needed tasks such as dusting, vacuuming or laundry.

For more information about the Senior Homemaker Program in Washington County, please call (740) 373-3745.
