
Washington-Morgan Community Action Wellness Program: Baby Think Twice

The Baby Think Twice program teaches young adults that babies require a lot of time, attention, and money. It encourages sexual abstinence by showing how infants not only change a young adults’ lives but all that live in the household with them.

Community Action has recently purchased the newest model of Real Care II Baby. The original babies only required a care key placed in the baby’s back to simulate feeding and diapering. The new model needs actual diaper changes with special diapers, feeding with a special baby bottle, burping and rocking. The doll makes breathing sounds while asleep, cooing when content, and burps, coughs, and laughs. While being fed with their special bottle they make a sucking, swallowing, and breathing sound. They also register head support, mistreatment (abuse), and shaken baby syndrome.

In our parent evaluations with the old models, the majority of parents had made the wish that the babies were more life like. They wanted the young adults to have to figure out what the babies needed as real parents do. Parents will be very surprised at the realness of these babies. When these babies cry, you have to go through all the needs to figure out which one requires attention. The longer it takes, the louder and shriller the cry becomes. Just as with a real baby.

The students will be required to carry a baby diaper bag That contains a special bottle, special diaper, and student I. D. which lets the baby identify his/her parent. The babies will also have car seats to better protect them.

At the first baby class, the young adults receive a birth certificate so they can name their babies. From that minute on we refer to the babies by their given names. We go over terminology, why a baby cries, a parent’s daily schedule, and budgeting. With the new babies, students will also learn baby care. They will learn how to properly feed, change diapers, rock, burp and hold baby supporting the head. The new classes will also cover some information on SIDS, colic, fever, ear infection, home safety, car seat safety, crib and walker safety, baby bottle tooth decay, vaccinations, and teething. We will also cover some information about Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Our original babies have been seen at malls, restaurants, movies, hiking, and in many churches on Sunday mornings. The community has had very supportive comments on the program. They have been all smiles while sharing their stories about our babies. We are looking forward to seeing the response the new babies receive.

new babies were placed in service
at the end of April. Students
were excited to get signed
up, especially the students
who completed the original
baby class. So far we have
been working with junior high
students but our hopes are
to include some of the area
clubs and church youth groups.