Help Our Elderly Friends, Neighbors And Loved Ones
Vote for the Washington County Senior Services Levy

Senior services provided through the Washington County Senior Services Levy have helped thousands of senior citizens. Seniors receive the help they need to remain healthy and independent for as long as possible. Seniors receive hot, nutritious meals; help with household chores and transportation to the doctor and hospital. Community Senior Centers around the county provide seniors with an opportunity to be productively engaged in the community and socially connected. Senior volunteers give their expertise and commitment back to the community to make it a better place to live. The Washington County Senior Services Levy has also made it possible for over 900 seniors to have the prescription medications they need to remain healthy.

On November 6, 2001, Washington County voters passed the county’s first ever Senior Services Levy. The levy was for five years and is set to expire at the end of 2006. On May 2, 2006, voters will be asked to replace the Seniors Services levy so that important services can continue. The millage does not change. It remains at 0.85 mills, raising about $850,000 per year. For a homeowner with a house valued at $100,000 it costs only $26.03 per year. The levy is administered by the Washington County Commissioners.

The Senior Services Levy made it possible to start the Prescription Assistance for Seniors program. In its first four years this program assisted over 900 Washington County seniors. Seniors from every township have received free prescriptions from pharmaceutical companies as a result. Many seniors have commented that before this service, they could not afford to purchase needed medications or that they did not take them as prescribed because of cost.

Proper nutrition in older adults is essential to maintain good health. Hundreds of older adults throughout the county enjoy a well balance noon time meal with friends. Meals are served each weekday in senior dining seniors located in Belpre, Beverly, Laymen, Lower Salem, Marietta and New Matamoras. The Senior Services Levy made it possible to open two new dining centers in Layman and Belpre. In Layman, seniors enjoy lunch at the dining center located at Layman United Methodist Church and in Belpre, the daily meal is enjoyed at the Rockland United Methodist Church.

For various reasons, many seniors are unable to leave their homes or prepare their own meals. For these seniors proper nutrition is absolutely essential. The Senior Services levy made it possible for Meals on Wheels to deliver a hot nutritious lunch to thousands of seniors throughout the county. These seniors look forward to that daily knock on the door and the driver’s friendly face. For some, it is their only connection to the outside world.

All the expert care in the world is useless if one cannot access it. The Senior Services Levy has made it possible for hundreds of older adults to receive the medical care they need. Specially equipped vehicles can accommodate wheelchairs and drivers are trained to assist people with special needs.

Sometimes the most basic help can mean the difference between remaining at home or moving to assisted living or nursing facility. Simple interventions such as shopping, cleaning, providing help with laundry or meal preparation make it possible for older adults to continue to live where they prefer- in their homes.

Older adults have something special to give. Through varied life experiences they have acquired skills and knowledge that can benefit our communities and our citizens. The Senior Services Levy provides support for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program which recruits and places active senior volunteers with organizations that are making a difference in our communities and in the lives of others.

The Senior Services levy has also provided funds for the development of community senior centers throughout Washington County. Senior groups in Barlow, Bartlett, Belpre, Beverly, Churchtown, Independence Township, Little Hocking, Lowell, Newport and New Matamoras, have been able to make needed improvements to facilities and to acquire the equipment and furnishings necessary to have a safe and comfortable meeting place. Social supports like those at community senior centers are important. Continued involvement helps senior avoid isolation and loneliness and prevents depression.

The Washington County Senior Services Levy is making a difference in the lives of thousand of older adults. Without the senior levy, many of these services would not be available to help seniors remain healthy and independent. The senior levy costs each of us very little- but its impact is enormous.

On May 2nd, Vote for the Washington County Senior Services Levy.
Senior Services Levy Accomplishments 2002-2005
146,941 Meals on Wheels delivered to homebound seniors
26,767 hours of in-home help provided
36,064 trips to medical appointments or facilities
55,000+ volunteer hours of service donated annually to the community by Retired and Senior Volunteers (RSVP)
Senior Dining Centers opened in Belpre and Layman
15,439 days of adult day care provided
78, 623 hot, nutritious lunches served at senior dining centers throughout the county
930 seniors received free prescriptions valued at over $3.4 million