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One of the many people who enjoy a daily, nutritious meal served by the Meals on Wheels Program which is funded by the Washington County Senior Services Levy. |

Washington County Senior Services levy helps our elderly friends, neighbors and loved ones

The Washington County Senior Citizens Levy is up for replacement in November of 2011. The levy passed in November 2006 and is set to expire at the end of 2011.

The senior services levy has enabled thousands of seniors to get the help they need. In the last five years, over 1,053 seniors have received prescriptions valued at $1.2 million. Senior dining centers in Belpre and Layman and other dining centers throughout Washington County have served over 65,000 hot nutritious meals to seniors. Meals on Wheels routes have been expanded and the program continues to serve home bound seniors a daily hot meal.

In addition, the levy provides funding for adult day care, medical transportation, and other in-home living assistance programs. Senior Centers and groups throughout the county have also received over $200,000 for facility improvements and needed equipment.

The annual cost of the 0.85 mill levy to a $100,000 homeowner is only $29.75 per year. Your tax dollars are used to assist elderly friends, neighbors and loved ones. The funds are administered by the Washington County Commissioners assisted by an advisory panel of seniors and professionals in the field of aging.

The Senior Nutrition Program of Washington-Morgan Community Action receives over 30% of the dollars generated by the Senior Services Levy. With this funding, Washington- Morgan Community Action can serve seniors hot nutritious meals in the 6 senior dining centers and on Meals on Wheels Routes that wind throughout of all Washington County.

How the Washington County Senior Services
Levy helps our Community:
69,498 Meals on Wheels delivered to seniors who were homebound
36,641 hours of in-home help provided
39,744 trips to medical appointments or facilities completed
300, 580 volunteer hours of service donated to the community by Retired and Senior Volunteers
19,325 days of adult day care provided
65,703 hot nutritious lunches served at senior dining centers throughout the county
1,053 senior receive free prescriptions valued over $1.2 million

The levy funds services for vulnerable elderly who:
Are on a limited income
Have disabilities that hinder them from living independently
Have little or no family support
Are burdened with high prescription costs

If you would like to place a sign in your yard and show your support for the Washington County Senior Services Levy, please contact Carrie McNamee or Cathy Rees at the Putnam Street office: 740-373-3745.
