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Louis Urschel and his dog appreciate the Banfield Charitable Trust Grant to help seniors feed their pets.
Seniors on the Home Delivered Meal Routes Receive Assistance for Purchasing
Pet Food Thanks to a Banfield Charitable Trust Grant

Washington-Morgan Community Action was awarded a grant from the Banfield Charitable Trust to assist home delivered meal clients purchase food for their pets. Seniors were given purchase orders to use at two businesses to purchase up to $15 of food for their pet.

Through a survey of Senior Nutrition Meals on Wheels clients, Washington-Morgan Community Action discovered that over 80% of the participants on the program have one or more pets in their home. Washington-Morgan Community Action understands the importance of these pets to the seniors. The pets provide companionship and unconditional love to the senior.

Washington-Morgan Community Action also understands the costs associated with having a pet. Pets need proper care which includes proper nutrition. It would be detrimental to many seniors to be separated from their pet due to their inability to purchase food. Many seniors may even reduce the amount of food they eat to ensure their pet does not go hungry.

Washington-Morgan Community Action provides home delivered meals to seniors living in Washington and Morgan Counties Ohio. The Meals on Wheels routes wind throughout both counties, some on country roads. Some of the daily routes are over 100 miles. Washington and Morgan Counties are located in Southeast Ohio in the Appalachian region. The counties are rural with large and isolated areas of open country. Small cities and villages are scattered throughout both counties. In both counties the senior population has increased. Most of the seniors on the Meals on Wheels program are over the age of 75 and live alone (except for their pets). The seniors live on a fixed income. The seniors must adjust their budgets to deal with the rising costs of essentials such as food, heating, etc.

Washington-Morgan Community Action has operated the Senior Nutrition Program since 1972. The agency has the unique ability to ensure seniors on the Meals on Wheels routes receive information on services and resources in the community. Washington-Morgan Community Action recognizes this funding as another unique opportunity to assist seniors.
