Free Tax Assistance and Filing!
Washington-Morgan Community Action can assist with filing electronic tax returns beginning January 31, 2014. We are able to offer this service through the Ohio Benefit Bank.

The income limits for free tax assistance have increased to $95,000 for those using "married filing jointly" tax filing status and $65,000 for all other tax filers.

To make an appointment or for more information, call Diane Jett at Washington County at (740) 373-3745 or Kristi Vincent in Morgan County at (740) 962-3827.

For those unable to make an appointment during the week, a Super Saturday tax clinic will be held on February 8 from 9 am – 2pm in both Washington and Morgan Counties. The clinics will be held in the agency offices, 218 Putnam Street, Marietta, and 50 Third St, Malta. An appointment is required. Availability is limited.

The Ohio Benefit Bank is a counselor assisted Internet application that helps low-income individuals and families apply for a range of work supports as well as file tax returns.