In August 2013, Washington- Morgan Community Action was notified by the Veterans Administration that the agency would receive $507,000 for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families program to serve homeless veterans in 5 Ohio counties.

By partnering with Gallia-Meigs Community Action and Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group, Inc., approximately 100 veteran families will receive services in the 5 counties. The goal of the grant is to prevent and end homelessness among low income veterans by promoting housing stability. The grant funds will be used to provide supportive services to low income veterans living in or transitioning into permanent housing.

"Our veterans have been promised that if they defend our country, a grateful nation will provide them with services and benefits they have earned," US Senator Sherrod Brown, a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, said. "These federal funds are a down payment on the promise to support those who have already given so much to our nation."

According to David Brightbill, executive director of Washington-Morgan Community Action, "this grant will provide important supportive and financial assistance services to veteran families in the 5 counties. We are very excited about this opportunity. It is an excellent example of how Community Action Agencies can work together to bring resources to our counties to meet community need."

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families began October 1, 2013. Each agency has begun outreach and assistance to veterans in their counties. Low income veteran families struggling to remain in their current housing or those families that are homeless will receive a combination of case management and financial assistance services. Veteran households will be required to create a housing stability plan and meet monthly with the case manager. Using the guiding principle of providing the "right service, at the right time, using the right amount of assistance," case managers will be able to help veteran families eliminate the barriers to stable housing in the 5 counties.

To apply for the SSVF program call:

Washington and Morgan Counties
Brandy Clift

Muskingum County
Kathy Combs or Michael Hood
740-453-5703 ext 118 or ext 112

Gallia and Meigs County
Anna Shope
740-992-5266 or 740-367-7341

For more information on the Supportive Services for Veterans families program contact Carrie McNamee at Washington-Morgan Community Action: 740- 373-3745 or